Ticket prices may be higher or lower than face value.
Your West Lafayette Ticket Resale Marketplace.

Looking for Answers To Only West Lafayette Tickets Frequently Asked Questions?

If you wonder about Only West Lafayette Tickets or how our tickets work, you can look at our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have specific questions not addressed on this page, just call our customer service hotline. Contact us by phone at 765-347-9533 or fill out our support form.

After someone gets a seat from an event’s ticket office -- known as the primary ticket seller -- they have the choice to resell that seat to any other ticket seeker. Sellers in the secondary marketplace may involve box office promoters, licensed ticket brokers, and firms, and individuals like you. Only West Lafayette Tickets shows you tickets from an extensive ticket marketplace, and then filters tickets for West Lafayette and neighboring areas so you can quickly see the best tickets in your area.

Since the secondary market uses a price per demand model, you may see that ticket prices shift as time goes by. It’s not uncommon to see tickets fall under box office costs. You may also see in-demand tickets for sold out shows that could cost more money than the original price. The rule to the secondary market is to check back often to see who’s playing in West Lafayette.

Depending on the individual sale, you might collect your tickets in one of six ways:

Email download: A PIN code will be e-mailed to you before the show, and you may print out your actual ticket. These e-tickets might have to be downloaded via My Ticket Tracker.

Mailed: The seller will send the tickets with FedEx. Tickets are pledged to get there before the event starts, and you’ll have a FedEx tracking number once your package goes out.

Venue Will Call: Tickets will be waiting for you at the event’s box office or will call area.

3rd party Pick-up: Tickets should be procured at a 3rd party place other than the venue (no more than thirty minutes away from the venue).

Paperless: The seller will come and meet your party at the venue and walk you to the will call area.

Flash: The ticket seller will mail you a prepaid credit card that you will need to scan at the venue front gate. It will have the initial sale information and will give a viable receipt.

You can pick a different shipping address -- including P.O. boxes -- for most purchases placed through Only West Lafayette Tickets. However, on sales past $750, the seller may refuse to ship to a separate place other than the billing address. Furthermore, sellers may want a signed authorization from you if they need verification that the different shipping address is valid.

Instant tickets generally show as available to download and print after you complete your order. Please allow for processing time, which might take as much as one business day. You will get a confirmation email detailing how to access your instant tickets.

To ensure you enjoy the best experience in West Lafayette, all tickets come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee if:


  • The seller never fulfills your order
  • The tickets arrive after the event starts
  • Your tickets are deemed void by the venue. (The venue must give confirmable proof in a written letter.)
  • The event was canceled with no rescheduled date. (Refund excludes shipping fees.)


Usually, tickets from Only West Lafayette Tickets are first-come, first-served. If your purchase is canceled mid-purchase, it means another customer submitted their order before you. Unfortunately, you will need to return to that event and attempt to select a different seat.

Many sellers are listing multiple groups of tickets and can book orders better if they don't put the seating numbers on the listings. Of course, you'll see rows and larger sections to pick from. Just know that your tickets will still be next to your other tickets unless shown in the ticket description.

Since this is a resale site, the ticket will show the first purchaser's name instead of yours. However, you will still get into the event, as it's the bar code that's needed to enter.

To prevent ticketing scams, almost all tickets are unique units. As such, if your tickets are lost, ruined, or stolen, you can reach out to the seller to ask if they can replace lost tickets. However, sales cannot be refunded.

If an event is totally canceled, you are eligible for a full reimbursement (shipping not reimbursed). If the event has been postponed and set for a new date, your tickets will be applied to the new date.